Dear Friends

During this Easter Season I have been reading a couple of books that I recommend. First is Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus’ Greatest Miracle by Jame Martin, SJ. Fr. Martin helps us deeply consider the raising of Lazarus by Jesus (John 11:1-46). He describes for us the site thought to have been the place where Lazarus was entombed. He gives us a feel for what pilgrims experience when they enter the chamber where Lazarus’ body was placed, and from which Jesus called him forth. He takes us carefully through the story in St. John’s Gospel, helping us consider the events from the points of view of the different people involved: Lazarus’ sisters Martha and Mary, Jesus himself, Lazarus, the disciples, and the other people who witnessed Lazarus emerge from the tomb.

At each part of the story, Fr. Martin invites us to reflect on what this Scripture might be saying to us. How might Jesus be calling us to come forth from our emotional and spiritual “tombs?” The other book is The Road to Emmaus and Beyond: A Journey from Easter to Pentecost by Denis McBride, CSsR. Twenty years ago while I was on sabbatical, I took a course on the Gospels with Fr. McBride. His deep and wide-ranging insights have influenced by understanding of Jesus ever since. In this book he considers the story of the Risen Lord appearing to two disciples on the road from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Fr. McBride asks us to consider how this story reflects our own lives. Just as the Risen Christ accompanies the two disciples on their journey, so he walks with us on our journey through life. The two disciples recognize Jesus in the breaking of bread. Where do we see Christ in the people and events of our lives?

Both of these works are filled with examples taken from everyday life. I find each of these books to be helpful to my discernment of the Holy Spirit’s movement in my life.

Grace & Peace,
Fr. Gary Tyman